
Team mates:



Concept: Advice

Big Idea: give it | get it | flip it | fuck it - advice

Exhibit summary:

Visitor goals:

Exhibit components:

Explanation of components:


Exhibit summary development:


Conceptually, this exhibit revolves around the actions associated with the giving and receiving of advice.

Give it refers to the giving or sharing of advice, and the perception of authority of those who give it.

Get it refers to the receiving of advice, solicited or unsolicited, either actively sought or passively received.

Flip it refers to the ways of using advice, adapting it to suit our needs, mixing it up, or playing with it.

Fuck it refers to the rejection of advice, rating it, sorting good advice from bad advice, or just plain ignoring it.



Visitor Goals 




Exhibit components


In the exhibition visitors will have the opportunity to engage content at various levels of participation, intersecting passive and active audio/visual components.

Visitors will encounter various forms of visual advice in the form of bumper stickers, allegorical pictures, comics, photos,

and other visual manifestations of advice gathered from contributors prior to the opening and throughout the duration of the exhibit.

Visitors will also hear ambient "sound advice" taken from contributions and a call for entries.  Visitors will also have the opportunity to create/exchange/critique content on site,

participate in verbal exchanges of advice from an "expert", and experience a re-crafted space that topically facilitates discussion.


The visitor operating requirements for this exhibition will mirror our Visitor Goals in that Visitors will read, write, hear, record, send, post, re- craft, take away advice in variable forms both physical and ephemeral. Visitors will have the opportunity to submit content solicited prior to and throughout the duration of the exhibit by emailing content to where it will be read and added to Visitors can also contribute by writing advice to be posted in the exhibit and by bringing visual advice to be added to the board.




Credit board

Web Access information

Direction/ Instruction Labels (aka exhibit advice)



Picture Board / Visual Advice

"Expert" Advice Booth

Ambient “Sound Advice”

3 Interactives for visitors 

Reengineered seating arrangements




Component Explanation



Ambient / Sound Advice



Most advice is given face-to-face in conversation. You hear it (whether or not you heed it). This component is intended to appeal to our aurally inclined visitors. It also provides a way that those visitors “just passing through” can absorb our content without even taking time to stop and read, which helps us to fulfill our passive component needs. Audio recorded advice will be solicited/collected before the exhibit opens, but it doesn’t have to end there. This component could also be a highly interactive piece, if visitors choose to submit an audio recording of themselves sharing advice. 



Picture Board/Visual Advice



Look around.  Soon enough, you’re going to see some advice. From warning labels to bumper stickers to street signs, our world is full of visually communicated advice. As a team we will collect this advice or images of it and assemble a picture board, collage, or some such pretty thing.  This component falls into the passive quadrant of our content rubric.



"Expert" Advice Booth



One must consider the source of the advice one gets. What relevant experience do they bring to back up this advice? This component is an advice booth (think Lucy and the Peanuts cartoons) and it will feature both advice givers who have been solicited and scheduled in advance as well as impromptu advice givers who volunteer to man the booth for a short spell. All advice-givers will be invited to describe themselves.



Exhibit Signage


Mention of our website. Sponsor credits. Instructions for any components that require them. Et al. Hopefully these are not the most exciting components in this exhibit, but it is the stuff that ties all our content together. For example, it will be important that we direct visitors to our website so that they can seek further advice. Interactive components will require directions on use. And, of course, we’ll want to identify ourselves as the creators of this exhibit, lest visitors should think it emerged from the void. We could have some fun with these by wording our instructions as advice.





The interactive components will ensure visitor engagement in our exhibit space. They will be fun to create, to watch, and to do. Ideally, there will be three interactives that offer a range of engagement potential (2 minutes, 10 minutes, easy to a bit more tricky). See the interactive page for further details on this.



Website & Hashtag



The website will serve as an organizing tool for collecting content, as well as an off-site component.  Both the website and the hashtag give visitors a medium for communicating with one another before, during, and/or after their visits to our exhibit.